i have a very unique audition tomorrow.
if i pass the audition this is what i may be traveling on from oakland, ca to cabo san lucas, baja cal in late september.

it is a 65ft. marquis yacht. you can check out the details here: http://www.marquisyachts.com/65-marquis.aspx
i’ll be first mate and in charge of the galley.
ron is willing to loan me out to his friend, the pose, who is a certified sea captain. he's licensed to skipper boats up to 100 feet (he’s required to wear his captain’s uniform: epaulets, cap and all) and transports yachts like this all the time. if it works out, this could be a very groovy sideline.i just looked at my gps mapping software. i don't even have maps to go all the way down to cabo; mapsource ends about 200 miles north of cabo and the road maps end at the border.
i have no idea how long it will take us. but, according to mapsource, it is about 1300 linear miles from san francisco to cabo. so, between going in and out of port (i guess we'll have to do that once or twice, and around points of land, it would end up being around 1400 miles or so. i'm not even sure if we sleep at sea or come into port at night. whatever we do it's gonna be cool.
we will fly back to san francisco from cabo.
being hurricane season could add to the adventure. not that i've ever shied away from an adventure.
i hope i have the chance to look for a geocache while (if) i’m there. i have no cache logs from out of the country, so if i can find an easy one near port or the airport i would like to snag one while i’m there.
i never thought the most interesting part of my life would be this end of it!
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